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OBTAINED: RENAULT After Sales (Spectrum)

WANTED: Promotional bundle “RENAULT After Sales” for the ZX Spectrum (given away in the UK with the purchase of a Renault 9), for dumping and scanning.

UPDATE: Even though the bundle had been located by Juan Francisco Torres and its tapes dumped by Federico Jerez a few years ago, I noticed that the TZXs hadn’t been released yet. So I asked Juanfra about them and … good news!

They’ll eventually be added to MAME, so that they’ll never be lost again. 😁

Meanwhile, in case that Dropbox fails, I’m leaving here a temporary mirror of the files: http://www.filedropper.com/preservacinrenaultspectrum (This link will self-destruct at some point)

UPDATE 2: Juan Francisco has also uploaded scans for the cover and instructions!

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